Monday, June 13, 2016

Due to Poll On JantaKeeAwaaz Amazon Felt Sorry Hurting the Relegious Sentiments

Amazon Removes Offensive Hindu Deities Doormats After Twitter Outcry

Defaming Hindu Deities is the new charm and cool. In a race to appear very cool and happening, why should remain quiet? Why shouldn't it project its secularism by demeaning Hindus or Hindu Deities?

So, here was the selling doormats with pictures of Hindu Gods and Goddesses. No, they did not even think about Hindu sentiments. They wantedly had such products in their selling items list despite knowing that we Hindus can't even touch the pictures of our Deities with unwashed hands, leave alone with our feet.


We, at Janta Kee Awaaz, tried to voice our opinion as well as the opinion of other Hindus who were hurt by such a filthy attempt to denigrate our Deities by organising a poll.

Here is the effect of our poll and the difference all the Internet Hindus have created.

We urge all our Hindu brothers and sisters to participate in all other polling sessions by Janta Kee Awaaz to speak out your mind and bring forth a change in the society.

An alert, active and vocal Hindu can contribute to the religion and the country more than the pseudo Hindu politicians can ever do.

Thank you for being an integral part of the massive movement.

Jai Hind.

Jai matrubhoomi.

Bharat Mata Ki Jai.

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